Whispers of Hope
I am always asked how cancer has changed my life, and my answer is simply this; in many ways, cancer was a gift. It forced me to think about who I am and who I want to be. It has given me clarity of purpose, and that is to raise my beautiful children, Nathaniel and Nicolette. It has given me clarity of conscience, to have the best attitude each and every day.
In the beginning I remember thinking, please God, just give me a break! But after time passed, I realized that God did give me quite a few breaks. I went through infertility so I would be blessed with adopting Nathaniel and Nicolette. I went through enough pain to go to the emergency room, which led me to surgery. And then, my big break, my diagnosis was detected early.
I am so grateful to say that I recently celebrated seven years of being cancer free. I believe everything happens for a reason. In return for all of the breaks I have received, I am hoping that I can share my own experience with as many women as I can. I encourage you to share this story with all of the special women in your life, and remember: Ovarian Cancer whispers, so listen!
Thank you for reading my story.

Picture above: Me with my husband Dave, and my beautiful children Nathaniel and Nicolette. You have given me the strength to find my purpose, life balance, and peace in each day!